Jamie Rozenberg (2017 – Archived)

Candidate for Events Director

Hello, my name is Jamie (in RL and in SL) Rozenberg (Cuppycake Cross), I run a business in Second Life called unKindness. This year was my first experience being a part of Second Pride, I heard about it through a friend who’d participated in previous years. We were fortunate enough to receive a spot as a sponsor as well as a vendor participant. While overall I loved the staff, the community and the event I do feel there are new and improved formats that I could bring to the table for the future. These include earlier notice and more clear information for designers, DJs, and artists. If elected I would love to help establish a system to progress Second Pride for all future events throughout the year including the main Second Pride event to not only continue to maintain the already established following and support from our Second Life community, but also to expand it, and make it easier to manage for future board members regardless of level of experience. I place a high value on structure and organization. As a part of the creator community of Second Life I understand how vital it is that we receive the right information and in the right formats to maximize the potential support and participation. I would love this opportunity to work closely with the board to continue the growth and promotion of this project and to help people not only on Second Life but also in first life through our efforts. I realize many of you don’t know me, and to elect me would be a leap of faith. So please allow me to thank you in advance for the consideration either way.

6 thoughts on “Jamie Rozenberg (2017 – Archived)”

  1. Thank you for your candidacy, Jamie!

    From your statement I can see you have already given much thought to what you wish to achieve in your role as a member of the board. I welcome your sentiment on the need for structure and organization in a venture like Second Pride.

    I would like to hear some of your thoughts on the existence of a LGBT+ community in SecondLife, why is it needed/necessary and how would you respond to someone that tells you they do not belong to a community and have no need of one?

  2. Hey Bock! Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond to this question, our internet was out for some time. xD

    Thank you for the kind welcome! It’s true I’ve given a lot of thought to how and why I would like to set things up in a specific structure. Which I suppose is part of my answer to your question. Second Life is such a unique platform because through it we are able to be anything or anyone we want. In many places all over the world it’s not safe for people to be out. A place like Second Life therefore offers them opportunities they will have nowhere else to talk to people they can trust. To seek advice, help, and support for who they are and the experiences good and bad this has brought into their life.
    As people with a common experience in the struggle for rights, and acceptance it is all of our responsibility to share that with one another in order to become stronger not simply as the LGBT community, but as humanity. It’s through our hard work, our empathy, and our willingness to serve our community that we make all of the world, even virtual world a better and safer place for all mankind. (I feel like I’m giving a speech for a beauty pageant. Can I wear a tiara?)

  3. Jamie thank you for running for the position of events director. As a former events director, I’m excited to see another willing to take up the mantle of what can be a challenging yet rewarding position. What challenges do you foresee in your position in order to created a diverse and well rounded season of entertainment that showcases and highlights the talent of the LGBT SL community. What do you see as your opportunities as you approach this position and what will you do to keep yourself energized through-out the year.

    1. Hello! I am sure these are big shoes I’ll be trying to fill. I won’t deny the potential tasks ahead can be intimidating. I don’t have a lot of experience in running any sorts of events, and don’t yet know a lot of people in the community, or in entertainment. Most of my experience has been from a creator and visitor stand point. And any decisions I would make would be based on what I feel is beneficial to all, and the best representation of the things I feel we can accomplish as a whole. I am looking forward to the possible opportunity to meet and work with so many new people, and to learning about the past second pride holds in SL, and to get to see what we can build on for the future to get as many involved and make as productive a year as possible. As well as to get to set a platform to help it continue to grow beyond my time here.

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