What’s next? Lots of things!

Second Pride does not end today. Second Pride works year ’round, and we have events year ’round as well. We already have plans for at least four upcoming events in the works including a live-performers-only event, a month-long multi-day event for Halloween (Glitter & Gore III), the annual Holidaze event, and of course, another multi-day event for Mardi Gras. Other events will be coming in between those as well, along with a range of charities that we will be raising funds for. Also, our friends at Burrow Coffee will be doing an event at the end of the month that will add to the funds we’ve raised for It Gets Better Project and for LGBTQ Freedom Fund. We will be sending out information about their event through all of our contact methods. Your best ways of staying informed about what’s coming are:

1) Don’t leave the Second Pride group in-world.
2) Subscribe to our updates at one of our kiosks.
3) Watch this site.
4) Probably the best way…join our Discord server. This is a non-expiring link. Please feel free to share it.

We’ll see you at Second Pride today…schedule below! Happy Pride!