Back to the 80s Second Pride 2024 Wrap Party!

The Back to the 80s Second Pride 2024 Wrap Party is going on now! Full schedule below.

2-4pm DJ Lucifer & Host Karmel – Hottest Club Cuts & Remixes
4-6pm DJ Emz & Host Reky – Weekend Warm-Up
6-8pm DJ Averil & Host Ed – The Oxygen Show
8-10pm DJ Tim – Rockin’ Into The Night

8-10am DJ Mordecai & Host Christa – Saturday Morning Cartoon Party
10am-12pm DJ Joc & Host CountryGal
12-2pm DJ Juliet
2-4pm DJ Lucifer & Host Joyce – Best Of Club Cuts & Remixes
4-6pm DJ Hads & Host Bri – Calling You Back To The 80s
6-8pm DJ Angelo & Host Stefanie – 80’s Late Skate!
8-10pm DJ Rock & Host R’ryvnn – Rockin’ Saturday Night

10am-12pm DJ Sonic & Host Keri – Disco Magic
12-2pm DJ Jan & Host Devamayi
2-4pm DJ Mia & Host Kathryn – Sunday Retro Party
4-6pm DJ Raye & Host Reky – Undie Sunday Beach Party
6-8pm DJ JMichael & Host Kathryn
8-10pm Movie Night: Nimona (


Closing Day – Second Pride 2024

It has been an amazing 10 days, and it all comes to an end (for now) today/tonight! It’s a full day of fabulous performers, culminating in The Love Ball and closing party brought to us by Grant Valeska! Come show your colors with us all day and celebrate ALL the performers, sponsors, vendors and others that have so generously given their time, energy, and funds to make this happen!

Second Pride will return with Glitter & Gore 2024 in October, so if you want to volunteer, sponsor, or support in any other way, contact us! Planning begins almost immediately. Performers and Hosts will be able to sign up in September! The theme of “Love…it’s all we need” will continue through the 2024-2025 season!

The Second Pride regions are open all year round. All the stores, tents, beach booths, rides, photo ops…EVERYTHING is available to you year-round. Want to have a party at Second Pride? Just contact us and we’ll hook it up! Have an LGBTQ+ club or organization that needs a place to meet? We can help with that too!

Second Pride 2024 Fundraising So Far

Updated June 30th

Total Raised at Second Pride 2024: L$ 2,921,019

That’s $10,577 USD! And we’re not done yet!

Thank you to the following for throwing benefit events for Second Pride 2024!
If you want to do a benefit before, during, or after Glitter & Gore 2024, talk to us!

Synnergy Pre-Pride Party
Back to the 80s Second Pride 2024 Wrap Party
Nocturnal Soul MC Event
Veil of Night Pride Festival
Land of Tru Colors Nude Skin Sunday Benefit

Thank you to the donors at the encore performance of Lady Gaga – The Love Ball for pushing our total even higher! Donations at ALL kiosks through June 30th will be added to the total.

This post will be updated with new totals periodically. There is also an accounting update available here which will be revised some time after June 30th.

Status of Recent Donations

Edited May 20th, 2024 for clarity around what charities Virtual Hope provides services for in Second Life, and to define more clearly the holdup with Tilia.

Donations are made directly through Virtual Hope and Tilia. Our donations and funds are held much more accountable now than ever in the past, since the requirement is that a third party, Virtual Hope, processes them, and Tilia themselves does the wire transfers. This requirement was established by Linden Lab, and Virtual Hope also handles all donations to American Cancer Society. These donations would be verifiable by both Virtual Hope and Tilia since they processed them, in addition to the acknowledgement letters from the charities themselves.

Donations are logged in not one but two ways. We keep copies of the Linden transaction logs monthly and the kiosks provide a log of all donations, which is why we require donations not be made to any person or avatar but only to a kiosk. It’s all tracked properly this way.

Now the not-so-great news. Three donations are waiting on Tilia to move forward. We are waiting on Tilia to authorize the charity accounts to sell their Linden on the LindeX. Once that is done, we once again will be waiting on Tilia to actually process the wire transfers.

The funds are secure and well-documented. Tilia has consistently been a source of pain in processing donations, and they continue to be. Derrick Linden and Virtual Hope are both working to try and cut through the red tape, and we expect these to be sent in the near future.

These are the donations currently holding due to Tilia:

$ 4,513 USD for LGBTQ Freedom Fund – L$ 1,259,861
– this is from last June

$ 4,513 USD for It Gets Better Project – L$ 1,259,861
– this is from last June

$ 2,854.57 for Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS – L$ 807,801
– this is from Halloween 2023, Holidaze 2023, and Mardi Gras 2024 combined.

All other donations have been completed and acknowledged. The amounts going back several years are listed along the left side of the website. Acknowledgement letters/receipts are posted in the main thread here but are scattered throughout. We will work on gathering those in on place under documents in the next week or two. UPDATE: This has been completed…acknowledgements from the charities are now available back to 2019 under “Documents” from the top menu.

Additional information:

Current balance in the Second Pride account: L$ 3,975,649

L$ 18,000 of this has been donated toward Second Pride 2024 from new vendors.

Subtracting the donations above that are waiting to be delivered, that leaves a General Fund balance of: L$ 630,126, which is slightly less than we have carried for many years now. This number fluctuates slightly due to expenditures for decor, etc. but remains in the 600K-700K range. Yes, these funds are accounted for in the Bylaws, and would be donated in the event of a crisis. They would go to the last charity that we raised funds for at the time.

Also, Tilia’s rules even make it INCREDIBLY difficult to set up a new charity to receive donations from us. We have not chosen the charity for June 2024 yet, but will announce it, or them, soon. We will likely be supporting one of the charities already set up that we have raised funds for recently rather than trying to get a new charity or charities pushed through. This is not a bad thing, as they are all worthy recipients of our member’s help.

As always, feel free to contact me, Tootsie, or Petr directly if you have questions. Posting anonymously on random, potentially malicious websites is not the best way to get questions answered in a direct and timely manner. We are always available.

Lee McKay
Second Pride…

Lee McKay’s Response and a Call to Action

Second Pride Members:

There is some misinformation being passed around and I apologize for the confusion. Normally I would not address such things directly, but this time it seems prudent.

First, there is NO intention to close Second Pride. There never has been. Second Pride’s 19th season is kicking off and Second Pride 2024 will be held June 7th to 16th, and we are looking forward to our 20th anniversary next year! Please read to the end to see how YOU can help.

The persons who you may have received messages from today are not concerned with what is best for Second Pride. I do not know what their actual motives are. They did in fact reach out asking for my resignation a few weeks ago…not a “succession plan” as they called it in today’s message. One of those persons has been trying for several months to gaslight me into resigning, via private messages and asking me to have a sit down meeting with him about my “exit strategy”. Bear in mind, this person is a performer, never having been in any leadership role with us. I don’t know why they felt this “task” was theirs to undertake.

That being said, if I did resign today, or get hit by a bus, the “two member” clause in the Bylaws would take effect. The same would happen if Tootsie or Petr resigned or became incapacitated. What that clause says is simply that we must fill at least a third seat within 90 days. We are not in danger of that happening, and I’m quite certain that a third Board member would be found before the time ran out. We have candidates in mind already for the two seats that are available, but granted, it is difficult to find people with the time and ability to commit to fill these seats. In fact, two of the people attacking Second Pride right now were either asked or were under heavy consideration for seats on the Board.

As far as finances, everything is tracked and double tracked. We keep copies of the transaction logs AND the kiosk logs, which is why all donations go through the kiosks. Those records are freely available to anyone that wants to request to see them. Sending funds to the charities is handled by Virtual Hope. This is a requirement from Linden Lab and Tilia. Virtual Hope also provides the same function for the American Cancer Society and the Michael J. Fox Foundation for all of the official fundraisers for those charities held in Second Life.

Now with that aside, I want you to see what you have done for the last several years. Since 2021, you, our members have raised the following:

Ali Forney Center – $ 4,515 (USD)
ILGA Europe – $ 6,540 (USD)
Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS – $ 9,393 (USD)
LGBTA Freedom Fund – $ 4,813 (USD)
It Gets Better Project – $9,013 (USD)

Were donations down in 2023 from 2022? Yes, they were. Remember, no one was getting pandemic money anymore. Everyone was under financial strain. We also have not had a dedicated person or team reaching out to vendors and sponsors for some time. Without that, donations are going to be down. We need to go into June with at least 500,000L already raised from stores, etc. before the event even starts. We can’t achieve that without help.

Do you believe in Second Pride? If not, then feel free to stop here. That’s fine. We get it. We’re still going to keep doing what we’ve been doing for 19 years. Throwing big parties and raising funds for great causes. You’re still welcome to come to the parties. Everyone is welcome!

If yes, then are you willing to help? We need people to spread the word about us and what we do, to talk to store owners and designers, to reach out to club and community owners, to encourage them to put up posters and kiosks. We need to form a new Ambassador team, which we unfortunately lost in this strange situation. If you can help, contact me, or Tootsie Nootan, or Petr Vanbeeck. Understand, these aren’t fun jobs. They are difficult, tedious, and time-consuming, with little (no) glory or fame included.

You can also join our Discord to contact us, which is the best way. The link is:

I am available to have a one-on-one discussion about all this with anyone that would like to. Just let me know.

Thank you for your time and Happy Pride!
Lee McKay

This message, our Bylaws, and other information about Second Pride are available on our website:…

Mardi Gras 2024 Schedule

All times are in SLT. Schedule is subject to change without notice.

DayDateTimePerf. TypePerformerHostSponsor
Friday2/9/20242pm-4pmOpening Party / Live DJMordecaiJoyce
Quiver, Inc.
Friday2/9/20244pm-6pmLive DJDJ UltraPupHarry(sponsorship available)
Friday2/9/20246pm-8pmLive DJKuma Live!Sunshine(sponsorship available)
Friday2/9/20248pm-10pmLive DJRapaColey(sponsorship available)
Friday2/9/202410pm-MidnightLive DJDJ SinHarry(sponsorship available)
Saturday2/10/202410am-12pmLive DJsirhcVampifabrik
Saturday2/10/202412pm-2pmLive DJDJ InsyXHarry(sponsorship available)
Saturday2/10/20242pm-4pmLive DJDJ JamieVinnie
Quiver, Inc.
Saturday2/10/20244pm-6pmRadio StoriesDJ CrixusBlake(sponsorship available)
Saturday2/10/20246pm-8pmLive DJDJ PruBlake(sponsorship available)
Saturday2/10/20248pm-10pmLive DJPandoraHarryGorean Whip Radio logoWHIP Radio
Saturday2/10/202410pm-MidnightLive DJDJ UuanColey(sponsorship available)
Sunday2/11/202410am-12pmLive DJIrish Breen The Music QueenHarryGorean Whip Radio logoWHIP Radio
Sunday2/11/202412pm-2pmLive DJDJ SpiffyBlakeGorean Whip Radio logoWHIP Radio
Sunday2/11/20242pm-4pmLive DJDJ FoxyHarryGorean Whip Radio logoWHIP Radio
Sunday2/11/20244pm-6pmLive DJDJ Jan XSheree(sponsorship available)
Sunday2/11/20246pm-7pmLive SingerChristine SunshineJoyce(sponsorship available)
Sunday2/11/20247pm-8pmLive DJDJ McKayJoyce(sponsorship available)
Sunday2/11/20248pm-10pmLive DJDJ LevyJaxson(sponsorship available)
Monday2/12/202412pm-2pmLive DJDJ BlakeGittrika(sponsorship available)
Monday2/12/20242pm-4pmLive DJDJ Mrs. BeerBaumHarry(sponsorship available)
Monday2/12/20244pm-6pmLive DJDJ KellenHarry(sponsorship available)
Monday2/12/20246pm-8pmLive DJDJ DennisHarryGorean Whip Radio logoWHIP Radio
Monday2/12/20248pm-10pmLive DJDJ DamienCha Eun-Woo(sponsorship available)
Tuesday2/13/202410am-12pmLive DJDJ Scary JesterSamuel(sponsorship available)
Tuesday2/13/202412pm-2pmLive DJDJ Proton
d-oo-b & Kalyca
Harry(sponsorship available)
Tuesday2/13/20242pm-4pmLive DJDJ LynkzJoyceGorean Whip Radio logoWHIP Radio
Tuesday2/13/20244pm-6pmLive DJDJ RockyLean(sponsorship available)
Tuesday2/13/20246pm-8pmClosing Party / Live DJDJ DzlHarry(sponsorship available)